Norjalainen lääkäri sepitti jutun, jonka The Lancet julkaisi! Tämä on todella synkkä päivä norjalaiselle tieteelle. Vakuuttavan suuri potilasaineisto (908 kpl) oli aika mielenkiintoisella tavalla synkronisoitu: 250:llä oli sama syntymäpäivä! Suomalaistutkijoista ainakin Ari Ristimäellä on ollut yhteistyökuvioita Jon Sudbøn kanssa.
Voi vain kuvitella miten paljon näitä tutkimuksia viilaillaan suuntaan taikka toiseen.
Lähdeteksti löytyy täältä (vaati tunnukset). Myös Associated Press ja Eurek Alert kirjoittavat asiasta. Norjalaiset lehdet käyttävät tietenkin runsaasti palstatilaa asian vatvomiseen: Dagbladet, Dagsavisen, Verdens Gang
Last week, an external scientist questioned data used in a research report published in The Lancet in October 2005. When the suspicion of data fraud was reported to Rikshospitalet – Radiumhospitalet Health Trust on Wednesday evening, internal investigations were immediately carried out. Further investigation confirmed that the scientist in question had fabricated all data in the article, without detection by co-authors, the hospital's control routines or by The Lancet itself.
-This is very serious. It's also a deep, personal tragedy for the scientist in question," says Stein Vaaler, Strategy Director at Rikshospitalet – Radiumhospitalet Health Trust.
During the weekend the scientist, now on sick leave, formally agreed to give the external investigating committee access to all his data. The committee will investigate into both fabricated data upon which The Lancet article was based, as well as research data used in 38 other articles previously published internationally by the scientist. Co-authors participation and their possible responsibility for the fraud will also be investigated.
The article published in The Lancet in October describes how medicines called NSAID, commonly used to relieve pain in connection with inflammatory infections, can reduce the risk of oral cavity cancer. The conclusion was that this type of medicine could have a preventive effect on cancer.
-But we now know the research data are fabricated," says Vaaler. The Hospital immediately notified all national and international partners and associates affected by the research fraud.
-This situation is very difficult for an internationally well-known research institute. We deeply apologise to all our associates affected by this case, says Stein Vaaler.
Tämä teksti huijauksen tekijästä oli jo ehditty poistaa (hain sen välimuistista):
Jon Sudbø, MD, PhD, DDS
Professor Jon Sudbø has his main clinical engagement as a senior oncologist in the department of medical oncology and radiotherapy at the Norwegian Radium Hospital, where his focus of interest in cancer research has been on the risk modelling and treatment of persons with oral precancerous lesions.
Prof. Sudbø received his doctor of dental surgery from the University of Oslo, followed by a doctor of medicine. He also holds a doctorate degree.He is a member of the Cancer Preventive Committee of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.
Prof. Sudbø has led clinical trials on intervention in and counselling of persons with a high-risk behaviour for oral cancer. Thus, a major research field for him and his collaborators in Norway has been on tobacco cessation counselling based on individual risk profiling from non-invasive diagnostics of the oral cavity. He has authored or co-authored a number of papers that have appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine, the Journal of Clinical Oncology. These landmark publications make up the foundation for clinical emerging trials on oral cancer chemoprevention in high-risk individuals. These clinical trials will be conducted in collaboration with Cancer Centers in the US, at UT MD Anderson Cancer center, Houston, Texas, Weill Medical College, NY, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer center, and UCLA.
Prof. Sudbø is the principal investigator of several ongoing clinical chemoprevention trials throughout the nordic countries, including a 10 million dollar 5 year phase III trial sponsored by the US National Cancer Institute (NCI).
Prof. Sudbø currently receives his main financial research support from the Norwegian Cancer Society, The Research Foundation at the Norwegian Radium Hospital, and the US National Cancer Institute.
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